March 23
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Allow Jesus Free Entry into Our Lives as the Samaritan Woman Did
March 16
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - The Transfiguration Offers Us a Message of Encouragement and Hope
March 9
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Confront and Conquer Temptations Using the Means Jesus Employed
March 2
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Should Leave All Judgment to God and Practice Mercy and Forgiveness
February 23
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Let Us Live Our Lives in Accordance With "The Golden Rule": Love Your Enemies
February 16
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Respond to the Challenges of the Beatitudes in Our Daily Life
February 9
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
February 2
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
January 26
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Receive Christ's Freedom: Live it out and Pass it on to Others
January 19
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
January 12
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Solemnity of the Baptism of the Lord
January 5
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Taking The Right Road
January 1
December 29
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - The Holiness of Family
December 24
Homily - Christmas is a Time to Look for Jesus in Unlikely Places and Persons
December 22
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Recognize the Real Presence of the Emmanuel and Say "YES" to Him
December 15
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - John's Central Message: Repentance Leading to Renewal of Life and Sharing
December 8
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Prepare the Way for the Messiah by Repenting and Forgiving
December 1
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Prepare for Christ's Second Coming by Allowing Jesus to be Reborn in Our Lives
November 24
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Assess Our Commitment to Christ the King That Jesus Control Our Lives
November 17
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Are We Ready to Recognize the "Second Coming" of Jesus in Our Daily Lives?
November 10
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Conquer Our Pride and Hypocrisy in Offering Ourselves to God
November 3
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - As Christians, We Still Need to be Reconciled With Neighbours as Well as With God
October 27
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Let Us Courageously Cultivate a Christian Identity With Convictions and Morale
October 20
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - A Challenge to Achieve: Acquire Greatness Through Humble, Sacrificial Service
October 13
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Follow Jesus on His Terms and Not on Our Terms
October 6
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Let Us Try to Keep Christian Marriage as Vibrant and Eternal; Lively and Strong
September 29
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Let Us Learn the Christian Virtue of Tolerance: We Need to Avoid Giving Scandal
September 22
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
September 15
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - We Need to Ask Ourselves Every Day Who Jesus is and What Jesus Means to Us
September 8
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy Bulletin
Homily - Let Us Help Jesus to Heal the Deaf and the Mute Today by Our Faith-Life
September 1
August 25
Homily: Christian Life is a Tough Teaching Without Compromise for Christ and Live It
August 18
Homily: "Come Down From Heaven" Refers to the Incarnation and Jesus' Divine Origin
August 11
Homily: Accept the "Real Presence" of Jesus in the Eucharist as an Inspiring Challenge
August 4
Homily: The Spiritual Nourishment From the Word of God and From the Holy Eucharist
July 28
Homily: Our Christian Vocation is to Walk With God in Communicating His Compassion
July 21
Homily: Christian Means to Have a Compassionate and Considerate Heart of Jesus
July 14
Homily: As Disciples of Christ We Have a Mission to Grow in Divine Adoption
July 7
Homily: We Must Live Our Lives With the Prophetic Courage of Our Convictions
June 30
Homily: Through Our Faith, We Need To Continue The Healing Mission Of The Church
June 23
Homily: We Need to Remember That Jesus is Always With Us in the Boat of Our Life
June 16
Homily: We Need to Cooperate in the Growth of God's Kingdom
June 9
Homily: Matters of 'Relative' Concern
June 2
Archdiocese of Regina Clergy Appointments and Further Information
Homily: Living With Real Presence
May 26
May 19
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Waking Up To The Spirit
May 12
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Ascension - A Departure and an Arrival
May 5
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Opening the Flood Gates of Faith
April 28
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
April 21
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Shepherding Like Jesus
April 14
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Witnessing to the Risen Lord by Our Personal Transformations in Our Lifestyles
April 7
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: The Stories of Doubting Thomas and God's Mercifulness
March 31
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: This is the Day the Lord has Made; Let us Rejoice and be Glad
March 24
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Passion Sunday Reminds Us That Jesus' Solemn Entry to Jerusalem is to Save Us
March 17
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Lenten Season is to Meditate on the Hour of Glorification for the "Son of Man"
March 10
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Lenten Season is to Experience God's Unconditional, Universal, and Forgiving Love
March 3
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
February 25
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Lenten Season Guides Us to a Transformed Way of Life from the Old to a New
February 18
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Lenten Season Guides Us to Repentance and Penitential Mortifications
February 11
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: We Are Sinners: We Need Jesus' Healing Touch To Heal Our Leprosy
February 4
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Our Mission of Bearing Witness to God Requires Spiritual Energy
January 28
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Let's Become Good Teachers and Transform Young Lives in the Right Way
January 14
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily January 14: Our Christian Call is to Live and Die Like the Lamb of God: We Live Like a Lamb
January 7
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily January 7: Christ Enriches Those Who Bring Him Their Hearts
December 31
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily January 1: The Solemnity of Mary, The Holy Mother of God:The Theotokos
Homily December 31: A Family That Prays Together Stays Together
December 24
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
December 17
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Repent and Reform Your Lives and Prayerfully Wait for the Messiah
December 10
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Announcing Christ and His Good Tidings to Others
December 3
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Advent Reminds us That "Each Days Grace Will Build on the Last"
November 26
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: The Solemnity of Christ the King: Christ Conquers, Christ Rules, Christ Reigns!
November 19
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: As we are "Talented" so too we are Equally Accountable to God
November 12
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Make Sure You Have Enough Oil for Your Lamp
November 5
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Keep Our Faith Alive by Giving it Hands and Legs in Doing Good
October 29
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: The Twin Commandments to Transform the Inner Self of a Person
October 22
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: The Most Difficult Option of Our Life: "Give to God What is God's"
October 15
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: The Need of Spiritual Preparedness to Participate in a Messianic Banquet
October 8
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: A Call to Share Our Blessings with the Needy and thus to be Fruitful
October 1
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Mental Transformation to be with the Lord is a Personal Choice
September 24
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: God's Ways Are Not Our Ways
September 17
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
September 10
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
September 3
Explaining God's Word - Children's Liturgy
Homily: Being Transformed Not Conformed
Holy Land Pilgrimage Tour 2024
August 27
August 20
Homily: Persevere In Our Prayers: Surely We Will Witness Miracles Will Jump In Our Life
August 13
Homily: Need of a Spotless Faith to Recognize Jesus in Our Ordinary Life Situations
August 6
Homily: Need a Transformation, to Become Humbler and More Selfless
July 30
Homily: Discovering Jesus and His Vision of Life Become Everything in One's Life
July 23
Homily: Ever Watchful with Our Lives to the Extent of Weeding out Evil from our Lives
July 16
Homily: The Need of Keeping Ourselves as Productive and Responsive 'Soil'
July 9
Homily: Carrying Our Burdens Together with Jesus is Easier than Carrying Alone
July 2
Homily: The Reward of Hospitality
June 25
Homily: Fear not; Have Complete Trust in Me; Our Life is in the Loving-Hands of a God
June 18
Homily: Jesus Continues to be Active in Our Lives Through the Bible and the Sacraments
June 11
Homily: Corpus Christi Feast: The Ardent Desire of God to be With Us in Sacrament
June 4
Homily: Holy Trinity Sunday Reminds us that We Belong to the Family of the Triune God
May 28
Homily: The Feast of Pentecost Reminds us of the Consoling Presence of Jesus in Our Lives
May 21
Homily: The Feast of Ascension Reminds us of the Continuing Presence of Jesus in Our Lives
May 14
Homily: The Indwelling Spirit: The Spiritual Activating Stamina of our Lives
May 7
Homily: We Need to Possess, and Live Out, Jesus the Life Today
April 30
Homily: Let Us be Reminded of Our Call to be a Responsible Shepherd and a Good Sheep
April 23
Homily: Walking with Jesus is Feeling Him and Experiencing Him in Our Lives
April 16
Homily: Leaping into the Arms of Divine Mercy
April 9
Homily: Easter Sunday - The Risen Christ
Homily: Easter Vigil - Lets Search for Jesus Among the Living not Among the Dead
Homily: Good Friday - The Passion
Homily: Holy Thursday - A Day to Remind of Our Spiritual Redemption
April 2
Homily: Let Us be Close to Jesus with a Contrite Heart
March 26
Homily: Faith Brings Forth the Raising of Lazarus
March 19
Homily: Lenten Observances are to Activate Our Incredible Internal Eye-sight
March 12
March 5
Homily: The Personal Transformation Needed to Conceive the Spirit of Lent
February 26
Homily: Three Most Dangerous Temptations
February 19
Homily: Authentic Discipleship Requires a Forgiving Heart
February 12
Homily: The Letter and the Spirit of the Law
February 5
Homily: Inexplicable Value of Light and Salt Symbolisms in our Daily Lives
January 29
January 22
Homily: Our Lives are to Make a Positive Difference in the Lives of Others
January 15
Homily: A "Lamb of God" Perspective of our Christian Living
January 8
Homily: Christ's Manifestation is to Expose Our Waywardness
January 1
Homily: Pondering and Treasuring God's Actions
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Office Phone: 306-545-4051
Office Hours: Monday to Friday: 9:30 am to 3 pm.
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